100th post! + ALL YOUR BLOGS IN A LIST

This is the 100TH post! Hoorah! To celebrate this glorious achievement I bring you a quote as legendary as Kadhaffi himself:

This blog is like Tripoli, only one(or a few) of them is still up and running. The others vanished, only a few of the cities are still controlled. And this is not the end. We will keep on fighting, delivering news and especially: Hope. (Wait a second, too much Obama) Hope Yes We Can Health CareGuantanamo Bay COURAGE, that's the word!
Keep on posting and do not be afraid, my friends! There is no opposition left, be creative as much as you can and fight or your blog! Now doing the robot dance to feast

-Moammar Reilly Kadhaffi

Now, what i meant with the letter is that i saw alot of people deleting their blogs, stop posting so I had to renew the blogs I'm following. Love all your blogs! But now i'd like to show a Dutch version of Jersey Shore. Laugh, LAUGH HARD!!!

Blogs you should follow( little present to my followers)
http://puppamela.blogspot.com/ Awesome humorous blog
http://majormack.blogspot.com every day this blogger shocks me in amazingness!

http://thenitefalls.blogspot.com All kinds of music videos
http://365daysofballoons.blogspot.com Just love his balloon creations. Great guy, you should hire him for Kid Parties. Seriously, over 9000 times better than a cliché clown who can only make a freaking ugly looking dog. Check his site out now: http://www.magicmot.com/
http://www.playvidya.com/  This person has another blog called http://custompongtables.blogspot.com/ But the first site was down for a couple of days. now it's back up and it's AMAZINGLY LOOKING GOOD. You must check it!
http://the-viral-network.blogspot.com It's in the name's blog!
http://level85nerd.blogspot.com Great gaming blog and been here on blogger for a long time( Longer than me i suppose, don't really know)
http://www.bar-science.com/ Science in a bar on a blog. It's the only thing you need to survive
http://beswitchedon.blogspot.com His recent post is The King's Speech Review. I think Brut is one who started around oktober too( not sure)
http://bestgamesandsofts.blogspot.com/ This man reviews free games that are brilliant and really good
http://1337blogelite.blogspot.com/ reviews pc parts/ macbooks and other related news
http://darkbogdanel.blogspot.com An interesting movie review blog!
http://specialdoseofsadness.blogspot.com/ I'm in LOVE with this blog. It's about foreign films and cult. Older than mine =D
http://foreverisallineed.blogspot.com "a proper trashing", go check it out

Just adding the rest ( apologies) But please do visit them! They deserve it
http://byronwilber.blogspot.com His crazy life, we're all very jealous deep in our heart

http://michellande.blogspot.com Just returned from a trip so back in action!! Amazing blog
http://laughingvault.blogspot.com It's a real laughing vault!
http://itsakindoftragic.blogspot.com just hit 200 followers, now make em some more
http://gunstarblue.blogspot.com Love his blog: Improve your Vocab! Just a fantastic idea!
http://i-love-julian-assange.blogspot.com Great blog with leaking info
http://governmentnow.blogspot.com about the US government. No it's not boring, it's awesome!
http://entertainvent.blogspot.com is so awesome that he literaly destroyed the M and made a V out of it. It's like Chuck Norris!

http://drawingnstuff.blogspot.com all about Mark Crilley, an awesome mange artist
http://guymoviesblog.blogspot.com movie reviewer, fantastic guy!
http://spunchops.blogspot.com Help out this disabled veteran. He's a good man and a true critic

http://sraoit.blogspot.com Girl's blog, so check her out! ;D
http://ahdiu.blogspot.com blog about basketball
http://savagenugget.blogspot.com discusses the paranormal
http://vote-sanchez.blogspot.com Java explained in an awesome way. Vote Sanchez, seriously!!


Damn, that's a long long list.(worked hard on it) If you see you aren't on it, it's because you didn't post this week.But what does post every week is the comment question of the day: my new blog:  http://gonzojournos.blogspot.com/

11 opmerkingen:

You should post your opinion like every other awesome person.